Daith Piercing for Migraines

Updated on Jul 20, 2021 by Dr. Amr Hosny (Headache Specialist) of Advanced Headache Center

Migraines are the worst form of headaches accompanied by severe pain and other symptoms that affect the senses. A neurological condition that causes debilitating headaches usually on just one side of the head, migraines can last for days and affect your work and home life to a large extent. Most people suffering from migraines seek new and effective treatment options. Daith piercing is one of the recent and unusual methods that have become popular for offering relief from chronic headaches.

Research is underway to find out more about piercing that targets a particular point in the ear and if it can help to manage disturbing migraines and lessen their effects. If you have also heard about it and want to understand how it works, consult a headache expert doctor before moving forward. The migraine specialists at the Advanced Headache Center will guide you in this regard and recommend the best treatment options for alleviating the debilitating pain.

Daith Piercing

What Is Daith Piercing?

Daith piercing involves the piercing of the innermost cartilage fold of the ear. Also known as migraine piercing, it is a move to replicate acupuncture as the piercing is performed in the same part of the ear where an acupuncture needle is inserted to provide relief from headaches. It is a piercing through the smallest fold of cartilage in the ear, right at the point where the outer ridge that runs along the top of the ear connects to the inner ear, just above the ear canal. This part is also known to be a pressure point for reducing migraine pain.

People who have had daith piercing claim that it reduced the frequency and intensity of their migraines, but no research has been able to confirm if piercing this spot can really alleviate migraine pains. Consult the best headache doctor near you if you suffer from recurring migraine headaches to know more about managing your symptoms and getting the best advice regarding the selection of treatment.

The concept of daith piercing is not new. For ages, people have been trying out unconventional means to relieve their aches and pains. This piercing has a symbolic meaning due to its location at the entrance to the ear canal. A captive-style ring is inserted that has a round bead soldered into a metal hoop, which is believed to manage migraine pains better.


Daith and Its Association With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a centuries-old healing practice and a component of traditional Chinese alternative medicine in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It is primarily used for relieving pain but also helps to treat various other conditions. Practitioners claim daith piercing activates a pressure point that can affect pain receptors positively and reduce the impact of migraines.

There is no proof how daith piercings affect the pain receptions or reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Piercing is a serious matter, and this is a sensitive spot. A little mistake may damage the spot where acupuncture would be performed to stimulate this pressure point for relief. Also, there is no way to be sure that the piercing is made on the exact spot.

Most people who have gone for daith piercing believe it resembles acupuncture and works like it. For them, getting it done on the same side where migraine occurs can reduce the incidence of painful episodes in that area. This piercing is popular among people who did not benefit from medications or those who want to avoid drug tolerance by taking too many of them.

How Acupuncture Helps With Migraines

Research shows that acupuncture reduces the frequency of migraines. Its effect is similar to preventative medications, and it controls the painful symptoms. The tiny spot near the place where daith piercing is carried out is also recognized as a pressure point for migraines.

The acupuncturist inserts fine needles into particular points of the body and stimulates them manually or electrically. It causes the blood vessels around the needle to dilate and increase the blood flow to the tissues. Acupuncture is executed by a highly trained and skilled acupuncturist who knows all about pressure points and easing headache pain most effectively.

Do Daith Piercings Actually Help Migraines?

If you are considering going for a daith piercing, you must know more about it to understand what it is all about, how it is done and how to take care of the new piercing.

The effects of daith or migraine piercing have not been officially investigated. It makes it difficult to determine the authenticity of the claims regarding their effectiveness. People who enjoy piercings and body art can give it a try as it is a simple and inexpensive procedure, and opting for it is a personal choice. There is no real scientific evidence that suggests bypassing regular migraine treatment in favor of piercing can prevent the frequency or intensity of migraine headaches.

Risks of Daith Piercings

Daith piercing can be risky for several reasons. The piercing is carried out at a very sensitive part of the ear, and anyone wrong move could cause lasting injury. Also, it might end up aggravating migraines which can complicate matters in the long run.

Other risks of daith piercings include:

  • Infection during healing
  • A bacterial infection that occurs after healing
  • Allergic reaction to jewelry
  • Bleeding
  • Nerve damage, including loss of sensation
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Scarring or keloids

You must be aware of the risks daith piercing carries to avoid long-term complications before taking any decision. The wound must be cared for rightly to ensure it does not develop an infection or other painful symptoms.

If frequent migraine episodes are disrupting your life and routine, visit an expert pain doctor at Advanced Headache Center to have your headaches accurately diagnosed. The experienced physician will recommend the best treatment and remedies to alleviate your pain after investigating the migraine symptoms and their causes. Getting more information about alternative treatments like migraine piercing will help to determine if it is a preferable option and provide the relief you seek.

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