Weird Sensation in the Head, Tingling Sensation in the Head: What Is the Cause?

Updated on Jul 20, 2021 by Dr. Amr Hosny (Headache Specialist) of Advanced Headache Center

If you are worried about a weird feeling in your head that comes and goes or tingling on the scalp that feels unusual, seek help from expert doctors experienced in diagnosing and treating every type of headache. Recurring paresthesia and unfamiliar headaches can be symptoms of some life-threatening ailment and must be thoroughly investigated. The specialist doctors at the Advanced Headache Center come up with the most targeted treatment options to relieve these sensations by addressing their causes to improve your quality of life.

There are so many conditions that can cause a weird feeling in the head. There is a sensation of tightness, weight, or pressure in the head that ranges from mild to severe and comes and goes. Most conditions that cause tingling in the head are not serious and may result from tension headaches, sinus, and ear infections. Abnormal or recurring severe pressure may be a sign of some underlying medical problem, such as a brain tumor or aneurysm in rare cases.

Also known as paresthesia, it is just like a burning sensation. You may experience the same pin and needle sensation when your foot falls asleep or feel numbness in the head. It is a rare occurrence, but some people go through it on a regular basis. Some people experience it all the time. You must consult an best headache doctor near you, as knowing about this condition and its causes is essential for getting the most appropriate treatment.


What Causes a Weird Sensation in the Head?

You may experience a weird feeling in the head that comes and goes due to several reasons. It can result from staying in the same position for too long, which constricts the blood to certain areas in the body.

Some other causes of tingling sensation in the head include:

  • Injury to nerve or nerves
  • Intense pressure on the nerves
  • A negative effect of certain medications
  • Vitamin B12 or other vitamin deficiency
  • Abnormal levels of certain electrolytes, including potassium, sodium, or calcium
  • A spinal injury such as herniated disc that puts pressure on the spinal nerves
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Sinus infection such as flu or cold

The tingling or head paresthesia can also result from certain medical conditions such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Stroke or transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Atherosclerosis – plaque buildup in the blood vessels which leads to the restriction of blood flow
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Migraines
  • Seizures and seizure disorders like epilepsy
  • Hypothyroid (underactive thyroid)
  • Brain tumors
  • Shingles (herpes varicella-zoster virus)
  • Autonomous sensory meridian response or ASMR

Most of these medical conditions are related to the circulation of blood that affects the nerves. Lack of blood flow to a specific part of the brain can result in tingling sensation, make the top of the head sore to touch, and other problems if they are not addressed timely.

Depending on which part of the brain is affected, you may experience a peculiar sensation in the head accompanied by pain or headache.

What Causes Head Tingling?

How Stress and Anxiety Affect the Head

Stress and anxiety have been linked to a chemical imbalance in the body that cause weird feeling in head. People with anxiety have trouble controlling worrying thoughts that build pressure and increases their stress levels. The feelings of stress and anxiety can be upsetting, challenging to manage, and often result in a variety of strange side effects.

If you suffer from anxiety, stress, or depression, consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment, as suppressing these feelings can trigger migraines and other kinds of headaches.

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)

Brain tingles can also result from autonomous sensory meridian response or ASMR. It is a newly discovered phenomenon that can result from hearing a specific type of sound such as whispering or finger tapping. Research is still underway for this area of neuroscience, but it is becoming popular. It has been found that there are a variety of sounds that can trigger such a response.


When Professional Medical Help Becomes Necessary

Even though tingling in the head is not classified as a disorder, persistent symptoms of weird feelings in the head should not be ignored. Consulting a physician and getting your condition diagnosed is necessary to relieve the unusual sensations.

Seeking professional medical help for paresthesia becomes necessary in the following circumstances:

  • It is becoming more frequent
  • It changes its intensity or severity
  • It is accompanied by pain
  • It occurs on different sides of the head
  • It lasts longer than normal
  • It has started recently
  • It turns into a severe headache

The expert and experienced doctors will run a variety of tests, including MRI, bloodwork, electromyography or electroencephalography, and, if necessary, a nerve biopsy. Combined with your medical history and physical exam, the physician figures out what is causing these weird feelings and suggests the most effective treatment that works best for your specific discomfort.

Occasional tingling in the head is not a cause for concern, but if this sensation persists and begins to affect your routine life with headaches and other severe symptoms, seek medical help immediately. It is best to get a doctor’s advice regarding diagnosis and treatment as some serious underlying conditions may be responsible for chronic tingling in the head. The pain management specialists at the Advanced Headache Center come up with the most positive solutions that provide relief and ensure you enjoy good health in the long run.

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